I used shift of origin and tried to solve problem
My Similar question on StackOverflow
and now that ellipse after shift of origin has equation (x/a)^2+(y/b)^2=1
so after condition of tangency to ellipse (am)^2+b^2=c^2
where c = y0-mx0
solved for m
where D = (x0, y0)
is variable point in only +quadrant as ellipse is symmetrical about axes number of lattice points for which the angle between tangents is greater than given angle will be multiplied by 2 if point D is on either axes else with 4
But now I'm unable to find the expected angle α which to this contrast program may result in (180-α) or (90-α) or whatever but is not giving α always
64817 64819 11420
30 1
1.5 1.118033988749895 #values of a, b of ellipse
88.09084756700362 #Given angle
0 2 84.26082952273322 # x, y, and angle
0 3 56.63298703076825
0 4 42.667925494108374
0 5 34.21605113129826
0 6 28.552637360182302
1 1 132.1304147613666
1 2 105.37675990405205
1 3 126.93618989341962
1 4 138.99680040248643
1 5 146.68139315999935
1 6 151.98229919837212
2 0 99.59406822686043
2 1 70.40251628700852
2 2 123.92838964927597 #In figure it is 56.0716 while it's supplementary angle
2 3 135.0795775738836
2 4 143.16521634758482
2 5 149.05461064130475
2 6 153.44570404972666
3 0 133.43253655778977
3 1 45.1685179704227
3 2 138.68062832170193
3 3 143.5441803020086
3 4 148.1966760890815
3 5 152.19282398152126
3 6 155.49812437089727
4 0 146.4426902380793
4 1 33.150772763942314
4 2 148.18918752912822
4 3 150.3525987174534
4 4 152.8971875924072
4 5 155.43753093848753
4 6 157.77424382459193
5 0 153.61567025059207
5 1 26.21616761276448
5 2 154.36403775389698
5 3 155.4135197186744
5 4 156.82314264518547
5 5 158.40584822123196
5 6 160.005114518988
6 0 158.21321070173815
6 1 21.70150969841879
6 2 158.59334015511746
6 3 159.1528282819498
6 4 159.9664352057684
6 5 160.96054819665326
6 6 162.04466838669927
from math import atan
from math import acos
from math import degrees
from math import atan2
from math import sqrt
from operator import gt
from operator import abs
class P_test():
def __init__(self,x,y,a,b):
self.x, self.y, self.a, self.b = x, y, a, b
def Region(self): # Tests if point(x,y) is out of region of ellipse
if (self.x/self.a)**2 + (self.y/self.b)**2 >1:
return 1
def T_angle(self): # Returns angle between tangents but not expected None
x, y = self.x, self.y
A, B , C = self.a**2-self.x**2, 2*self.x*self.y, self.b**2-self.y**2
D = sqrt(B**2-4*A*C)
m1, m2 = (-B+D)/(2*A), (-B-D)/(2*A)
alpha1 = degrees(acos(1/(sqrt(1+m1**2))))
alpha2 = degrees(acos(1/(sqrt(1+m2**2))))
if x*y: return 180-degrees(abs(atan2(y,y/m1)-atan2(y,y/m2)))
return 180-abs(alpha2)-abs(alpha1)
class Datasource():
def __init__(self, cordinate, radius, pq):
self.xy, self.r, self.pq = cordinate, radius, pq
def a_b_of_ellipse(self):
x1, x2, y, r = self.xy[0], self.xy[1], self.xy[2], self.r
H, K = x1 + (x2-x1)/2, y
mx, my = x1-H, y-K
gx, gy = x2-H, y-K
ae = (mx-gx)/2
a =gx + (r-(x2-x1))/2
b = sqrt(a**2-ae**2)
return a, b
def G_angle(self):
return degrees(atan(self.pq[0]/self.pq[1]))
xy_cord = list(map(int, input().split()))
radius = int(input())
pq = list(map(int, input().split()))
r1 = Datasource(xy_cord, radius, pq)
aa, bb, G = r1.a_b_of_ellipse()[0], r1.a_b_of_ellipse()[1], r1.G_angle()
print(aa, bb); print(G)
for x in range(0,7):
for y in range(0,7):
r2 = P_test(x,y,aa,bb)
if r2.Region():
How can I find Only Alpha Angle