I'm hoping someone can help me, i have been using VLOOKUP to populate worksheets with Inventories, however I'm stuck with an issue where one column has the same value in multiple cells, I need to match 2 cells from sheet 2 with sheet 1 and have it return the 3rd cell from sheet 1 into sheet 2.
I'm working with about 350 rows in both sheets, and in some cells the same/different values repeat it self hence needing it to match with 2 cell in the same row.
this is the formula
I'm expecting it to return the value that's in the 3rd column on sheet 1 in the row that matched the values of Cell A1 and L1 in sheet 2. and the same going on A2 & L2 then A3 & L3 and so forth.
I hope this is making sense haha :-)