
I need to Vlookup on column A of sheet1 with cell A1, A2 values

SD-121, SD-232, SD-23

and so on.. vLookup table in a different sheet with column A, B, C, D. Column A having

A            B
SD-232      US
SD-23       UK
SD-323      IN
SD-333      SG
SD-121      CN

The lookup result is to be displayed in Column B of sheet1 result cell B1 and B2

It's not clear from your question what are you trying to achieve. Try to provide an example and expected result, so others will understand you.tarashypka
@tarashpka check if this helpsrockedbyjava

2 Answers


You can create a user function to loop the values through the VLOOKUP function:

Function VLOOKUPARRAY(ByVal lookup_val As Range, ByVal table_array As Range, ByVal col_index_num As Integer, Optional ByVal range_lookup As Integer = 0) As String
    Dim s As String
    Dim a1() As String
    Dim a2() As Variant
    Dim i As Integer

    'Recalculate whenever a calculation happens on the worksheet

    'Get the lookup value from the cell
    s = lookup_val.Value
    'Split into array
    a1 = Split(s, ",")
    'Set output array to input array dimensions
    ReDim a2(0 To UBound(a1))
    'Loop through input array and set output array elements to lookup results using application lookup function.
    For i = 0 To UBound(a1)
        a2(i) = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Trim(a1(i)), table_array, col_index_num, range_lookup)
    Next i
    'Loop through output array and load values into a string
    s = ""
    For i = 0 To UBound(a2)
        s = s & a2(i) & ", "
    Next i
    'Knock the final ", " off the end of the string
    s = Left(s, Len(s) - Len(", "))
    'Set function output to string value.
End Function

That was quick and dirty, but it gave me the desired output. Adjust as needed.


If you have Office 365 latest update from Feb 2016 then you can use the following array formula:


being an array formula it must be confirmed with Ctrl-Shift-Enter instead of Enter when exiting Edit mode. If done correctly Excel will put {} around the formula.

The return will be in order of the list on sheet 2, not the order of the comma delimited string.

enter image description here