I'm new to Verilog and basically trying to teach myself a Digital Logic Design module for university. I am trying to write a BCD Adder in Verilog using two Full Adders with some logic in between for conversion to BCD when needed.
Here is my code:
module binary_adder (
output [3:0] Sum,
output C_out,
input [3:0] A, B,
input C_in
assign {C_out, Sum} = A || B || C_in;
module BCD_Adder (
output [3:0] Sum,
output Carry_out,
input [3:0] Addend, Augend,
input Carry_in
wire [3:0] Z, correction;
wire adder1C_out, carryInAdder2, adder2C_out;
binary_adder adder1 (.Sum(Z), .C_out(adder1C_out), .A(Addend), .B(Augend), .C_in(Carry_in));
assign Carry_out = (adder1C_out || (Z[3] && Z[1]) || (Z[3] && Z[2]));
assign correction = (Carry_out) ? (4'b0110) : (4'b0000);
assign carryInAdder2 = (1'b0);
binary_adder adder2 (.Sum(Sum), .C_out(adder2C_out), .A(correction), .B(Z), .C_in(carryInAdder2));
For some reason, I keep getting the following outputs:
Submitted: A = 0000, B = 0010, Carry In = 0, Sum = 0001, Carry Out = 0
Expected: A = 0000, B = 0010, Carry In = 0, Sum = 0010, Carry Out = 0
Submitted: A = 0000, B = 0011, Carry In = 0, Sum = 0001, Carry Out = 0
Expected: A = 0000, B = 0011, Carry In = 0, Sum = 0011, Carry Out = 0
Submitted: A = 0000, B = 0100, Carry In = 0, Sum = 0001, Carry Out = 0
Expected: A = 0000, B = 0100, Carry In = 0, Sum = 0100, Carry Out = 0
It basically continues like this for all values. My A, B, Carry In and Carry Out values always match, but for some reason the output sum is always 0001. I'm not sure where I'm going wrong, the logic seems okay to me. I am very new to this and only know the basics, so any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks, Wes