
I have just upgraded to TortoiseSVN 1.6.99, Build 21709, (Subversion 1.7.0, -dev). I am having problem in my Eclipse Subversive 0.7.9.I20100512-1900 & JavaHL 1.6.15. Have tried to update my Eclipse plugins. Anyone have an solution?

Error at Eclipse:

Share project was failed. Unsupported working copy format svn: The path 'XXX' appears to be part of a Subversion 1.7 or greater working copy. Please upgrade your Subversion client to use this working copy.

What is the current status now? tortoisesvn prompted me to upgrade, saying there is a new version available. I upgraded, and now subclipse is not working.Charbel
@Charbel, try to upgrade your subclipse or try its beta/dev version. If it can't work (which mean it does not recognize new svn format), you may need to consider to downgrade like my case.Lee Chee Kiam
The latest version of Subclipse claims to be able to handle svn 1.7Martin Schröder
I'm not sure how to downgrade the working copy, the scripts provided on SVN website are for versions prior to 1.7. Also I prefer upgrading the subclipse (and the cygwin clients) but I can't seem to do it. Subclipse i seem to be running the latest version. For cygwin, i seem to have upgraded to the 1.7 version in Setup, but when I run svn --version it prints 1.6, and in both cases they complain about incompatible working copy... help!Charbel

6 Answers


You are aware of the Subversion 1.7 state? It is currently a beta-2 state and not intended for production? Furthermore it couldn't work with the working copy, cause the working copy format of 1.7 has changed and it will not upgrade your working copy automatically. If you like to use 1.7-beta-2 you have to use the JavaHL version of Subversion 1.7-beta-2 instead of 1.6.X. The above mentioned is also true for TortoiseSVN, cause the version you mentioned is a BETA! (as explained on the TortoiseSVN site.


Bear in mind that Subversive doesn't communicate with your working copy directly; it is only an interface for Eclipse. The communication runs through an SVN connector such as SVNKit or JavaHL. This is the software you should update to resolve your problem.

In my case I'm using SVNKit, which can be updated like so:

  1. Make sure Eclipse's update sites are pointing to Polarion's recommendations. Here's what my update sites look like: Subversive
  2. You'll need the latest version of Subversive SVN Connectors, so make sure the Subversive update site is enabled and let Eclipse check for updates through Help, Check for updates.
    • Check Eclipse's Installation Details to confirm that you've got Subversive SVN Connectors version 2.3.0.I20120413-1700 or later. To do so, go to Help, About, then click "Installation details".
    • If you haven't gotten a new version, you might need to uninstall the old one, and grab the new one from the Subversive update site.
  3. Now you may update SVNKit. Select Help, Install new software to bring up the software installation window.
  4. Select the latest SVNKit (as of this writing, 1.7.4) and install it. Installing SVNKit 1.7.4
  5. Restart Eclipse.

If Subversive is using the wrong connector after restarting Eclipse, select the right newest one from the preferences screen (under Preferences, select Team, SVN then click the tab "SVN Connectors").


This is now solved with Subclipse 1.8 versions.


Proper selection of subclipse & SVN connector will solve the problem.

I am using ecplise indigo and Tortoise SVN 1.8 The installation of Subclipse 1.10.5 & Subversion JavaHL Native Library Adapter 1.8.10 solved the problem.

refer to http://subclipse.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectProcess?pageID=p4wYuA


Under Window->Preferences->Team->SVN, SVN Connector tab, set the svn connector to the latest SVN kit, SVNKit 1.8.0:

SVNKit 1.9


I gone through same issue. I tried all these. Nothing worked. Reason is, I am trying it on Ubuntu (Linux). All these solutions are for windows I guess.

I know this is very old question, but in case it can help others.

I did this.

  1. In stall JavaHL (sudo apt-get install libsvn-java)
  2. After installing search for libsvnjavahl-1.so file using following command
    sudo find / -name libsvnjavahl-1.so
  3. Open eclipse.ini file (We can find in eclipse home folder) and edit. I use STS so sts.ini for me.
    Add following:
    -vmargs -Djava.library.path=/path/of/libsvn/jni

-vmargs -Djava.library.path=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/jni/

This same methodology can be applied to windows also.

Reference http://subclipse.tigris.org/wiki/JavaHL#head-bb1dd50f9ec2f0d8c32246430c00e237d27a04fe