I don't see any of the Subversion icons in Eclipse for a project that was clearly checked out from SVN (via the command line) I'm not sure when this stopped working.
I've tried both Subclipse and Subversive plugins, they both seem content. I've also reviewed the SVNKit vs. JavaHL stuff.
- No SVN icons
- Right click on file, Team and Compare To don't have any SVN options
- In Preferences / Team I now have two SVN trees, one for Subclipse, one for Subversive
- Mac OS X Snow Leopard
- Eclipse 3.6 Helios
- Java / javac version 1.6.0_26 64-bit
- svn version 1.6.15
- DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/subversion/lib:/usr/lib: (have also tried SVN Kit)
I'm at a loss, it's an odd problem to Google. Any thoughts?