I am trying to bring up a in home peer to peer webrtc based chat system using webrtc data channel, When I try to get the Ice candidates using Create offer i observe that only once ice candidate which is local is created and the SDP string generated has ip address and mentioned. I have added a data channel and created respective ice handlers before createOffer(). I tried to add media by getUsermedia() but i see only one ice candidate. When I tried to check with Trickle Ice (https://webrtc.github.io/samples/src/content/peerconnection/trickle-ice/) I see the same, i dont see any entry with my IP Address in it..
Because of this the other peer is not able to make the connection.
I am not using any websockets,but directly sharing sdp strings between peers using email, as i am trying to understand how it works. As Ice servers are needed only nat traversal and my purpose is for in home chat, i dont want to add any STUN Or TURN Servers.
I see the below entry in Trickle Ice without any Ice Servers. Time Component Type Foundation ProtocolAddress Port Priority 0.003 rtp host 1178812653 udp 31703155-6932-43d7-9d9b-44dda8daea28.local 58170 126 | 30 | 255
Any Help is appreciated