
I'm building (yet another) manual signalling WebRTC chat via DataChannels (CoffeeScript, sorry JS guys). It works fine in local connections, but not over the internet behind a NAT (unfortunately I couldn't try NATless yet).

I don't want to maintain a TURN server, but I'm fine if only one peer must be publicly-reachable from the internet for the setup to work. Since I'm the only one with a reachable machine, we need me to host a TCP connection. In Firefox there are no TCP candidates reported so I guess ICE-TCP is not yet supported.

On Chrome, looking at the SDP offers/answers, the STUN servers correctly identified both peer's public IPs and added each server reflexive UDP candidate (see line 10 below) but there is no TCP server reflexive candidate, so the connection never succeeds. There is also a TCP candidate included (see line 9 below) but it's just a host candidate.

Here's a sample SDP offer (my public IP is

01. v=0
02. o=- 7452583715680269460 2 IN IP4
03. s=-
04. t=0 0
05. a=msid-semantic: WMS
06. m=application 50816 DTLS/SCTP 5000
07. c=IN IP4
08. a=candidate:864190085 1 udp 2122194687 50816 typ host generation 0
09. a=candidate:2097250933 1 tcp 1518214911 0 typ host generation 0
10. a=candidate:3500406889 1 udp 1685987071 50816 typ srflx raddr rport 50816 generation 0
11. a=ice-ufrag:2066nM5kqwFDQMBT
12. a=ice-pwd:thO7oP0H+H1VBHFNfT8SLFiI
13. a=ice-options:google-ice
14. a=fingerprint:sha-256 72:87:BF:AD:03:9C:09:A7:58:0C:3A:DF:.....:B7
15. a=setup:actpass
16. a=mid:data
17. a=sctpmap:5000 webrtc-datachannel 1024

I'm sure the internet can reach my machine via NAT and port forwarding is fine (my machine is the default host to NAT-forward to).

  • Why is there no TCP server-reflexive candidate reported in my offers/answers?
  • Does Chrome lack server-reflexive ICE-TCP candidate discovery?
  • Is it possible to manually add a server reflexive candidate given the public IP reported by the STUN server?

1 Answers


First, STUN can support TCP over a NAT in accordance with the new RFC and with the proposed updates for said RFC for DTLS. All this said, Chrome should still support SCTP over TCP and Firefox still does not according to bug 891551.

I also highly doubt that MEDIA will ever support a TCP connection and suspect that only SCTP will be supported for any TCP connection(relayed or not).

[Note: For history sake, I am keeping the rest of my answer intact but a good comment made by @adamfisk, showed me some errata.]

Original answer

STUN CANNOT work with TCP over a NAT.

Its RFC says as much in the application statement. Stun is only designed to work with UDP. This is why SCTP needs to be on built on UDP so that you can go around NATs. (Only Chrome gives the internal option of TCP).

You will have to set up port forwarding on one of the NATs if you want TCP traffic to go through it but STUN will not help you.

Sorry for the bad news :(

EDIT: This is simply a limitation of STUN, not of SCTP(so chrome could do nothing about it if they wanted to). FireFox does NOT support SCTP over TCP anyways. I am not 100% on TURN. The RFC seems to say that TCP is support only in the communication between the client and the server, not the actual relay. Check this out, Chrome may work with TCP through a TURN server from what T. R. Missner states at the bottom of the thread.

You MAY have to have port forwarding set up on both sides if you want to use TCP with an RTCDataConnection.