
I want to reference a category document in my post document in firebase. This is my data class, I'm also using freezed and json_serializer:

    part 'post_dto.freezed.dart';
    part 'post_dto.g.dart';
    part 'category_dto.freezed.dart';
    part 'category_dto.g.dart';
    abstract class PostDTO with _$PostDTO {
      const PostDTO._();
      const factory PostDTO({
        @JsonKey(ignore: true) String? id,
        required String title,
        required String description,
        @DocumentReferenceConveter() DocumentReference? categoryReference,
      }) = _PostDTO;
      factory PostDTO.fromJson(Map json) =>
      factory PostDTO.fromFireStore(DocumentSnapshot document) {
        Map data = document.data() as Map;
        return PostDTO.fromJson(data).copyWith(id: document.id);
    abstract class CategoryDTO with _$CategoryDTO {
      const CategoryDTO._();
      const factory CategoryDTO({
        required String icon,
        required String name,
      }) = _CategoryDTO;
     factory CategoryDTO.fromFireStore(DocumentSnapshot document) {
        Map data = document.data() as Map;
        return CategoryDTO.fromJson(data);
      factory CategoryDTO.fromJson(Map json) =>

When I run build_runner I got this error:

    [SEVERE] json_serializable:json_serializable on lib/infrastructure/post/post_dto.dart:
    Could not generate `fromJson` code for `categoryReference`.
    To support the type `DocumentReference` you can:
    * Use `JsonConverter`
    * Use `JsonKey` fields `fromJson` and `toJson`
    373 │   final DocumentReference? categoryReference;
        │                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    [INFO] Running build completed, took 2.5s
    [INFO] Caching finalized dependency graph...
    [INFO] Caching finalized dependency graph completed, took 44ms
    [SEVERE] Failed after 2.5s

So tried using the JsonConverter but I'm not sure how to convert the json object to a DocumentReference...

    class DocumentReferenceConveter
        implements JsonConverter, Object> {
      const DocumentReferenceConveter();
      DocumentReference fromJson(Object json) {
        return //TODO: Convert json to DocumentReference
      Object toJson(DocumentReference documentReference) =>


1 Answers


I have been investigating and I found there is an issue related to some versions of the analyzer package. I leave it here in case it could be useful for someone in the community (if you use the '0.39.15' or '0.39.16' versions this could be the cause). If that is the case, you can set the override for now inside your pubspec.yaml:

  analyzer: '0.39.14'

Also, you should clear all of the caches after:

flutter clean
flutter pub cache repair
flutter pub run build_runner clean