instead of using the brackets use the object operator for example my array based on database object is created like this in a class called DB:
class DB {
private static $_instance = null;
private $_pdo,
$_error = false,
$_count = 0;
private function __construct() {
$this->_pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=' . Config::get('mysql/host') .';dbname=' . Config::get('mysql/db') , Config::get('mysql/username') ,Config::get('mysql/password') );
} catch(PDOException $e) {
$this->_error = true;
$newsMessage = 'Sorry. Database is off line';
$pagetitle = 'Teknikal Tim - Database Error';
$pagedescription = 'Teknikal Tim Database Error page';
include_once 'dbdown.html.php';
$headerinc = 'header.html.php';
public static function getInstance() {
if(!isset(self::$_instance)) {
self::$_instance = new DB();
return self::$_instance;
public function query($sql, $params = array()) {
$this->_error = false;
if($this->_query = $this->_pdo->prepare($sql)) {
$x = 1;
if(count($params)) {
foreach($params as $param){
$this->_query->bindValue($x, $param);
if($this->_query->execute()) {
$this->_results = $this->_query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
$this->_count = $this->_query->rowCount();
$this->_error = true;
return $this;
public function action($action, $table, $where = array()) {
if(count($where) ===3) {
$operators = array('=', '>', '<', '>=', '<=');
$field = $where[0];
$operator = $where[1];
$value = $where[2];
if(in_array($operator, $operators)) {
$sql = "{$action} FROM {$table} WHERE {$field} = ?";
if(!$this->query($sql, array($value))->error()) {
return $this;
return false;
public function get($table, $where) {
return $this->action('SELECT *', $table, $where);
public function results() {
return $this->_results;
public function first() {
return $this->_results[0];
public function count() {
return $this->_count;
to access the information I use this code on the controller script:
$pagetitle = 'Teknikal Tim - Service Call Reservation';
$pagedescription = 'Teknikal Tim Sevice Call Reservation Page';
require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] .'/core/init.php';
$newsMessage = 'temp message';
$servicecallsdb = DB::getInstance()->get('tt_service_calls', array('UserID',
if(!$servicecallsdb) {
// $servicecalls[] = array('ID'=>'','ServiceCallDescription'=>'No Service Calls');
} else {
$servicecalls = $servicecallsdb->results();
include 'servicecalls.html.php';
then to display the information I check to see if servicecalls has been set and has a count greater than 0 remember it's not an array I am referencing so I access the records with the object operator "->" like this:
<?php include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] .'/includes/header.html.php';?>
<div id="mainholder">
<h1><?php if(isset($pagetitle)) htmlout($pagetitle);?></h1>
if (isset($servicecalls)) {
if (count ($servicecalls) > 0){
foreach ($servicecalls as $servicecall) {
echo '<a href="/servicecalls/?servicecall=' .$servicecall->ID .'">'
.$servicecall->ServiceCallDescription .'</a>';
}else echo 'No service Calls';
<a href="/servicecalls/?new=true">Raise New Service Call</a>
<?php include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] .'/includes/footer.html.php'; ?>