
I got an Page not found- Error after a fresh install of Typo3 Version 11.2.0 on a PHP-Version 7.4.

I renamed '.htaccess' and Typo3 V11.2.0 asked me to build a new one. I got a white site .

I set a hard link to 'index.php' via Terminal! (Soft linking is only allowed to directories, not to files) then I added the source-path segment in

call_user_func(function () {
        $classLoader = require __DIR__.

in front of the ''/vendor/....." in line 23.

// Set up the application for the frontend
call_user_func(function () {
    $classLoader = require __DIR__.'/typo3_src/vendor/autoload.php';
    \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Core\SystemEnvironmentBuilder::run(0, \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Core\SystemEnvironmentBuilder::REQUESTTYPE_FE);

I reached my (Sub-)Domain when I entered the URL directly in my browsers address line like: https.//www.myDomain.TLD/Subdomain/ (without index.php !) the Starting Page was shown. Impossible to reach this by the 'Switch to frontend'-Button. Unlike the behavior of the 'Switch to backend'-Button. The Login appeared and a very short time later this message

'Page Not Found The page did not exist or was inaccessible. Reason:
 The requested page does not exist '

was shown. I guess that means 'index.php' works as it looks like. But it can not reach the Frontend via index.php.

In the Environment Directory Status Test there appears this: ' / is not a directory Directory / should be a directory, but is of type link'.

(that was no problem in former Installations...and couldn't be fixed by the Typo3 Installation Instance )

Some procedure does not find parts of site configuration. What could that be?


1 Answers


Revert everything you have done except the .htaccess part. This is essential on your TYPO3 installation. the reason why you got the error:

Page Not Found The page did not exist or was inaccessible. Reason: The requested page does not exist

is because you are missing your Site Configuration. On your left sidebar, you have a module with the name Sites. Before you go in there, you need to create at least one page and define it as root. (Global icon before the page name). To define a page as root you need to edit the page, click on the Behaviour tab and enable the "Use as Root Page". Now TYPO3 knows which is the entry point.

Root Page

Now you have enabled the Sites. Go to your Site modules and there you should be able to find the root page you have defined. Follow the instructions from there and you should be able to have your FrontEnd visible.

Hope it helped,

Best regards