I upgraded my TYPO3 version 6.2.17 LTS to TYPO3 7.6.2 LTS. But after the symlink changed, when I take the install tool, it displayed an error in a white screen like this;
Calculated absolute path to tslib directory does not exist.
Something in the main file, folder and link structure is wrong and must be fixed!
A typical document root contains a couple of symbolic links:
- A symlink "typo3_src" pointing to the TYPO3 CMS core.
- A symlink "typo3" - the backend entry point - pointing to "typo3_src/typo3"
- A symlink "index.php" - the frontend entry point - points to "typo3_src/index.php"
My php version is 5.6.17. Please help me to solve this. Thanks.