
I upgraded my TYPO3 version 6.2.17 LTS to TYPO3 7.6.2 LTS. But after the symlink changed, when I take the install tool, it displayed an error in a white screen like this;

Calculated absolute path to tslib directory does not exist.

Something in the main file, folder and link structure is wrong and must be fixed!

A typical document root contains a couple of symbolic links:

  • A symlink "typo3_src" pointing to the TYPO3 CMS core.
  • A symlink "typo3" - the backend entry point - pointing to "typo3_src/typo3"
  • A symlink "index.php" - the frontend entry point - points to "typo3_src/index.php"

My php version is 5.6.17. Please help me to solve this. Thanks.

I came into the same bug. Then I went back to TYPO3 6.2, cleared the caches in the Install Tool, deinstalled almost every other extension. Then the TYPO3 7.x installation could be started.Franz Holzinger

2 Answers


Sometimes this may be due to php opcode cache. So by running below code, that clears the opcode cache, the issue can be solved by running this code


This problem is most likely caused by an extension since the t3lib directory was already removed in 6.2 LTS. Try uninstalling custom extensions by setting their status in the PackageStates.php to inactive. Then remove the content of typo3temp and try again.