I have a complex identifier field that contains letters, numbers, white space, and special characters. I have been using the Keyword analyzer on this field, but having problems filtering results. Here is an example piece of data the field would contain:
O-2011-006953 /4
With the Keyword analyzer in place I'm able to do a contains filter on the index field using numbers, but not letters. The following filter works:
search.ismatch('/.*2011.*/', 'complex_identifier_field', 'full', 'all')
But if I try to do a contains search with a letter, I get 0 results:
search.ismatch('/.*O.*/', 'complex_identifier_field', 'full', 'all')
I believe my problem is I need another or custom analyzer, and I have recently tried to use the NGram analyzers, and tried to write a custom analyzer using the keyword tokenizer, but still unable to do a contains search on the field. How can I create a field that is one token; accepts alphanumeric characters, white space, and special characters; and allows me to do a contains filter to find any part of the identifier field?
Here is the definition of the field:
new Field("accession_number", DataType.String){ IsSearchable= true, IsFilterable = true, Analyzer = AnalyzerName.Keyword },
And here is the exact search I'm using:
var result = indexClient.Documents.Search(query, searchParameters: parameters);
where query = "print" and parameters =
Facets = null,
Filter = search.ismatch('/.*O.*/', 'accession_number', 'full', 'all'),
HighlightFields = null,
HighlightPostTag = null,
HighlightPreTag = null,
IncludeTotalResultsCount = true,
MinimumCoverage = null,
OrderBy = null,
QueryType = Full,
ScoringParameters = null,
ScoringProfile = null,
SearchFields = null,
SearchMode = All,
Select = (9 fields),
Skip = 0,
Top = 50