I want to perform an Azure search on a location index (comprising of 100K records of countryCode and location information)
The need is to
a) limit the search to specified country codes
b) be able to handle fuzzy search
I am able to achieve filtered search in simple query syntax using odata syntax on $filter=(countrycode eq 'IN' or countrycode eq 'AT' or countrycode eq 'AU') https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/searchservice/odata-expression-syntax-for-azure-search
I am able to achieve fuzzy search using Lucene search by queryType=full&search=euroe~1 as per this syntax
queryType=full&search=sydne~1&$filter=CountryCode eq 'AT' or CountryCode eq 'AU' &searchMode=All
Is there a way to use a contains instead of multiple eq. The syntax seems to be limited