I have an effect in NgRX effect, as follows:
$createOrganisation = createEffect(() =>
switchMap((data) => this.organisation.createOrganisation(data)),
map((response) => fromOrganisationActions.createOrganisationSuccess({ orgId: response.id })),
catchError((error) => {
return of(fromOrganisationActions.createOrganisationError(error));
However, my stream never seems to end when the catchError
is triggered, i.e. in the instance of this.organisation.createOrganisation
returning a 400 error.
The action, fromOrganisationActions.createOrganisationError(error)
is triggered and my reducer is triggered from this... but if I re-trigger the fromOrganisationActions.createOrganisation
effect, this effect runs but the API call is never made a second time.
If I configure it as follows, and dispatch it manually, it works:
$createOrganisation = createEffect(() =>
switchMap((data) => this.organisation.createOrganisation(data)),
map((response) => fromOrganisationActions.createOrganisationSuccess({ orgId: response.id })),
catchError((error) => {
return throwError(error);
But other examples online suggest the first way should work, but it is not for me, and I do not understand why my stream never ends.
Can somebody please advise and tell me why my stream never ends in the first instance?