
I write ngrx effect with httpRequest which use action.payload of Action.

From request I get data which I use in map operator (if error occur i handle it in catchError)

From Backend I get only boolean value, How I can propagate action.payload from Action to map or catchError operator?


effect= this.actions$
         mergeMap(action => this.service.isOk(action.payload),
         map((isOk: boolean)  => new SuccessAction(isOk, action.payload), //here I need somehow get to action.payload value
         catchError(error => of(new ErrorAction(error, action.payload))) //here I need somehow get to action.payload value

And I can not store payload to store, because I have triggered more actions: Actions.IS_OK

Thanks for help


1 Answers


Can you try :

effect = this.actions$
         mergeMap(action => this.service.isOk(action.payload).pipe(
             map((isOk: boolean) => { payload: action.payload, isOk: isOk} )
         // need to create proper interface forPayload + isOk 
         map((payloadPlusIsOk: any)  => new SuccessAction(payloadPlusIsOk.isOk, payloadPlusIsOk.payload),
         catchError(error => of(new ErrorAction(error, action.payload))) //here I need somehow get to action.payload value