I'm trying to dynamically show a sheet when a Menu() button is pressed. The issue I'm facing is that it seems the activeSheet
state variable is not updating when I change it via a button. This causes the wrong view to show until I update the state with a different variable in which then the proper view will show.
Code for generating the Menu and setting the active tab
@State private var activeSheet = Sheets.Settings
@State private var showingSheet = false
enum Sheets: String, CaseIterable {
case Settings = "Settings",
Add = "Add"
Menu(content: {
ForEach(Sheets.allCases, id: \.self) { sheet in
Button(sheet.rawValue, action: {
activeSheet = sheet
label: {
Image(systemName: "plus")
And my sheet modifier that will display the actual sheet
.sheet(isPresented: $showingSheet) {
switch activeSheet {
case .Settings :
SettingsView(dismiss: $showingSheet, settings: $settings)
case .Add :
This code will present a sheet but it will only show the settings sheet until I trigger some other @State change. After that everything will work as expected.
like in stackoverflow.com/a/61176759/12299030. – Asperi