My UIView needs to have an object pass to it before it can show as an active sheet. The object pass into it depends on the button that the user has clicked. That's why i wrote some code like this.
struct DetailInfoView: View {
var cat: Cat
@EnvironmentObject var modelData: ModelData
@State var activeSheet: DetailViewActiveSheet?
@State var selectedFood: Food?
var body: some View {
ZStack {
ForEach(foods, id:\.self) {food in
Button(action: {
selectedFood = food
activeSheet = .foodDetailView
}, label: {
Text(, -5.0)
}.sheet(item: $activeSheet) { item in
switch item {
case .foodDetailView:
FoodDetailView(food: self.selectedFood!)
I then find that even I have set selectedFood in the button action, it is forever nil and cause exception. Why it is the case?
FoodDetailView has nothing special.
struct FoodDetailView: View {
var food: Food
var body: some View {
I have another view that will show all my FoodDetailView. Whenever I change the var food to @binding var food of my FoodDetailView, it complains.
TabView() {
ForEach(modelData.foods) { food in
FoodDetailView(food: food)
Maybe to clarify my question --- it should be:
- I have multiple active sheets. That's why the .sheet will receive the item $activeSheet so that I know which other view should be shown.
- For each of the View to be shown, they may need custom items. The items can only be created when the user click on the button. However, it appears that the .sheet and the related codes are created when the view is created, hence caused the exception. There are suggestion telling that I should use @binding here.
- If I use @binding to the variable selectedFood, then may I know how to create the FoodDetailView() if I do not have any binding food variables in other views? For example, I have a list of Food Items, and I use a for loop just loop and create the FoodDetailView. In this case, when I loop the Food Item list, it is not a binding variable.
So I think my question is --- How to make those View created in .sheet() can be created on the fly?
should beself.selectedFood
, ie. model, not the view. – AsperiDetailViewActiveSheet
model? – Hardik Shekhat