I want to restrict access to Firebase Storage objects with storage rules and custom claims on authenticated users. Both cool features, good for scaling.
My problem however is:
The Firebase Storage download link allows public access, no matter the rules.
My download link given by getDownloadURL() is: https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/***myappname***.appspot.com/o/logos%2F1618740110634.png?alt=media&token=bdf6a5c5-54a2-4211-aa40-85177a38210a
My rules are:
match /{allPaths=**} {
allow read, write: if false;
What link then should I use to restrict access to authenticated users only and for checking custom claims with for my admin (excel reports) files? I am very confused.
Have tried direct links, without the token at the end, the given storage location link. With the public link, anyone has access I don't want them to have.
Using Flutter mobile and web.