
I'm writing a firebase function where i need storage location. Right now i have download url:


Is there a way to get Storage location like this:


from the given download url?

When you say "Firebase function", do you mean you're writing backend code with Cloud Functions for Firebase? Or are you writing client side code? Are you just trying to convert a https download URL to a gs URL?Doug Stevenson
Yes, i'm writing backend code with Cloud Functions for Firebase. And yes i want to convert a https download URL to a gs URL.Rishabh Chandel
Is there a way? @Doug StevensonRishabh Chandel
Is something wrong with refFromUrl? Seems like what you're looking for. See also stackoverflow.com/questions/42956250/…Kato

1 Answers


The description for refFromURl says that it returns a Reference and accepts:

A URL in the form: 
1) a gs:// URL, for example gs://bucket/files/image.png 
2) a download URL taken from object metadata. 

Based on this, I'd expect the following to work fine:

const downloadUrl = "https://firestorage.googleapis...";
const gsUrl = firebase.storage().refFromUrl(downloadUrl).toString();