What happens is:
imposes constraints on a 9x9 matrix of elements
- with the help of
lists a particular problem
And we can then put both together:
?- problem(1,Matrix),
% Matrix is now a 9x9 matrix of partially bound elements.
% Impose constraints; these suffice to find a unique solution
Matrix = [[9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1],
The constraint solver starts to work immediately (apparently it detects that there is enough information to proceed; is that always the case?). There is no need to call label/1
Let's see how the constraints between the matrix elements are set up:
sudoku(Rows) :-
% If "Rows" is unbound, bind it to a list of 9 unbound variables.
% If "Rows" is bound (as in our call above), this just verifies that there
% are indeed 9 elements in Rows. Same as:
% Rows = [R1,
% R2,
% R3,
% R4,
% R5,
% R6,
% R7,
% R8,
% R9].
length(Rows, 9),
% For each element in "Rows", bind the element to a list of the same
% length as "Rows" (i.e. 9); we now have a 9 x 9 matrix of possibly
% unbound variables. A bit too clever maybe.
% Same as:
% Rows = [[E11,E12,E13,E14,E15,E16,E17,E18,E19],
% [E21,E22,E23,E24,E25,E26,E27,E28,E29],
% [E31,E32,E33,E34,E35,E36,E37,E38,E39],
% [E41,E42,E43,E44,E45,E46,E47,E48,E49],
% [E51,E52,E53,E54,E55,E56,E57,E58,E59],
% [E61,E62,E63,E64,E65,E66,E67,E68,E69],
% [E71,E72,E73,E74,E75,E76,E77,E78,E79],
% [E81,E82,E83,E84,E85,E86,E87,E88,E89],
% [E91,E92,E93,E94,E95,E96,E97,E98,E99]].
maplist(same_length(Rows), Rows),
% Concatenate all the variables in all the rows into a new list Vs (that
% predicate is badly named, it concatenates lists form a list into a list)
append(Rows, Vs),
% A first constraint: every element Exx in Vs must be in domain [1..9]
% If we passed in a matrix Rows with concrete values for Exx that are not
% in domain [1..9], this will fail.
Vs ins 1..9,
% Another constraint: For every row (list of 9 elements) in Rows:
% all the elements of the row must be distinct
maplist(all_distinct, Rows),
% We now want to impose the constraint that for every column,
% all the elements of the column must be distinct
% Transpose the 9x9 matrix Rows into the 9x9 matrix Columns.
% (the new rows of Columns are the columns of Rows).
% Columns = [[E11,E21,E31,E41,E51,E61,E71,E81,E91],
% [E12,E22,E32,E42,E52,E62,E72,E82,E92]
% [E13,E23,E33,E43,E53,E63,E73,E83,E93]
% [E14,E24,E34,E44,E54,E64,E74,E84,E94]
% [E15,E25,E35,E45,E55,E65,E75,E85,E95]
% [E16,E26,E36,E46,E56,E66,E76,E86,E96]
% [E17,E27,E37,E47,E57,E67,E77,E87,E97]
% [E18,E28,E38,E48,E58,E68,E78,E88,E98]
% [E19,E29,E39,E49,E59,E69,E79,E89,E99]].
transpose(Rows, Columns),
% Another constraint: For every "column of Rows"
% all the elements of the column must be distinct
maplist(all_distinct, Columns),
% Now we need to impose the "all-distinct" constraint
% on the 3x3 sub-matrices
% Give the rows distinct names
Rows = [As,Bs,Cs,Ds,Es,Fs,Gs,Hs,Is],
% Impose constraint on "3-element-wide" groups of the
% "3-row-high" group of As, Bs, Cs: namely, "all distinct"
blocks(As, Bs, Cs),
% Same of the next "3-high" group
blocks(Ds, Es, Fs),
% Same of the next "3-high" group
blocks(Gs, Hs, Is).