I am trying to work out a problem. I am writing a program for use with Sicstus-Prolog and I need a functionality I have only figured out in SWI-Prolog.
Specifically I am trying to get all clp(fd) constraints, that are posted when running the following sample code. I do not want to run labeling.
% Sicstus Prolog
% ?- N=4, length(List,N), domain(List, 1, N), all_different(List), bar(List), copy_term(List,List,M).
% SWI-Prolog
% ?- N=4, length(List,N), List ins 1..N, all_different(List), bar(List), copy_term(List,List,M).
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
bar([Var|T]) :-
bar_aux(Var,[Var2|T],N) :-
Var #\= Var2 + N,
N1 is N + 1,
The problem is, that while SWI actually returns all constraints, sicstus does not.
So how can I force further evaluation, so that sicstus also returns something more like this:
% Actual SWI return value.
as opposed to just:
% Actual sicstus return value.
All help is greatly appreciated!