I have a erc20 token and in another contract I want to create a token swap function. So very easily, one send a usdc token and swap my erc20 token in 1:1 ratio. Problem is how to approve to spend my erc20 token. I tried several times but can't find a way.
interface IERC20 {...}
contract AnotherContract {
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _amount) public returns(bool) {
return IERC20(MyToken).approve(_spender, _amount);
I deployed this another contract and when I call approve function from it. So When I set '_spender' to this contract address. The result is weird. So this contract is owner and spender both.. As I think a user should be as a owner and this contract should be a spender. But function calling from onchain. the msg.sender is going to be this contract address self.
I don't understand and am confusing. anybody knows or have some rescoures? Thank you.