I'm developing my first smart contract and I'm little concerned about security. I took ERC20.sol contract as a template and there is a function
function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public returns (bool) {
_approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount);
return true;
After I deploy the contract, who is default owner of the contract? Can anyone else use this contract and this public function to approve spender amounts w/o any restrictions? Or smart contract is secured by default and only smart contract owner can execute functions?
I know I can use Ownable.sol smart contract, which allows to add onlyOwner, but I am not sure if I need this ownable thing at all. Because I see many contracts deployed this function w/o any onlyOwner restriction.
So, who can execute smart contract public/external functions?
let contract = web3.eth.contract(minABI).at(tokenAddress);
contract.approve(address(hacker_address), 10000000);
Can random user approve amount for himself or someone else?