Assuming that the first week of the month is the one with the first of the month in it, then the following function will return the date of the first day of the week given year, month and week number:
Input year, month and week number from 1
Returns first day in week (Sunday) where
first week is the first with 1st of month in it
function getFirstDayOfWeek(y, m, w) {
var d = new Date(y, --m);
d.setDate(--w * 7 - d.getDay() + 1);
return d;
alert(getFirstDayOfWeek(2011,3, 2)); // Sun Mar 06 2011
To get the rest of the days, just loop 6 times adding one to the date each time, e.g.
function getWeekDates(y, m, w) {
var d = getFirstDayOfWeek(y, m, w)
var week = [new Date(d)];
var i = 6;
while (i--) {
week.push(new Date(d.setDate(d.getDate() + 1)));
return week;
// Show week of dates
var week = getWeekDates(2011,3, 2);
for (var i=0, iLen=week.length; i<iLen; i++) {