The following QML code:
Window {
id: window
width: 450
height: 700
visible: true
StackView {
id: mainStack
property Item itemTest: Item {
id: itemTest
ColumnLayout {
id: mainLayout
width: mainStack.width
ScrollView {
id: scrollview
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
clip: true
ScrollBar.horizontal.policy: ScrollBar.AlwaysOff
id: colLayout
anchors.fill: scrollview
initialItem: itemTest
anchors.fill: parent
outputs "QML ColumnLayout: Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling."
Replacing "anchors.fill: scrollview" by "anchors.fill: parent" in the above code makes this message disappear but then the ColumnLayout does not seem to fill the ScrollView.
Given this behaviour, I come to the conclusion that the ScrollView in this QML file isn't actually the parent of "colLayout", which comes against my first intuition about the way parenting works in QML.
Can someone explain to me what is meant exactly by the keyword "parent" in QML ? Many thanks in advance.