I have an image object in QML (QtQuick 1.0), its height must be relative (in case of window scaling), but the problem is when I try to display this image in fullsize. Please look at the following part of my code:
Image {
id: selectionDialogImage
source: "qrc:/Images/myImage.png"
property int oldHeight: sourceSize.height
sourceSize.height: testsList.height/3
scale: 1
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.left: parent.left
visible: false
property bool imageFullsize: false
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
parent.parent = selectionDialogQuestionText;
parent.sourceSize.width = undefined;
parent.sourceSize.height = testsList.height/3;
parent.anchors.horizontalCenter = undefined;
parent.anchors.verticalCenter = undefined;
parent.anchors.left = selectionDialogQuestionText.left;
parent.anchors.bottom = selectionDialogQuestionText.bottom;
parent.imageFullsize = false;
parent.parent = mainItem;
parent.sourceSize.height = parent.oldHeight;
//parent.sourceSize.height = undefined;
parent.sourceSize.width = mainItem.width;
parent.anchors.horizontalCenter = mainItem.horizontalCenter;
parent.imageFullsize = true;
selectionDialogQuestionText is a default parent of my image item. mainItem is the largest item, it has size of the whole window. So I want to have the image size set on the basis of width when I'm displaying it on a fullscreen, but in another state I want to scale the image setting its height.
When I set parent.sourceSize.width = mainItem.width;
, image isn't scaled, but its height is as previous (very little) so its proportions are inappropriate.
Can I store old height of source image in any way? I need something like const, because property int oldHeight: sourceSize.heigh
is relative. Or is there a way to restore default size of image and then set height/width?
UPDATE #1: I tried to use method described by @Mitch:
property int oldHeight
Component.onCompleted: {
oldHeight = sourceSize.height
sourceSize.height: 250
but console.log("oldHeight="+parent.oldHeight)
a few lines below shows oldHeight=250
, not original height.