I have Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers on Windows 8.1. I installed Darkest Dark theme from the Marketplace, but it does not work. Upon restart, Eclipse starts with my previous theme and Darkest Dark does not even appear in Preferences window. However, when I open Marketplace again and search for it, it shows as installed. I searched but did not find an answer to this exact problem. Any help?
Peter, what version of Eclipse are you running? If you could send us your workspace error log, that might explain why the plugin isn't working. You can email it to [email protected] or create a post on our forums and we can dive deeper: genuitec.com/forums/topics/devstyle/theme-problems
– Brian Fernandes
Hi, I'm running 2020-06. The error log hasn't been modified in months. I tried registering in your forum but never received a confirmation e-mail.
– peter_s
I know 2020-06 is old, but the newer versions don't work for my purposes (long story). I already use Darkest Dark on Fedora and it works without any (noticeable) slow down of Eclipse.
– peter_s
Just want to mention that under preferences, the node to look for is "DevStyle", not Darkest Dark - in case you missed this by some chance. Now, an Eclipse installation that hasn't logged anything in months is very unusual :) Are you sure you're looking at the right log? [workspace]/.metadata/.log file? Another option would be to start eclipse with the -clean flag, that really should force resolution errors to be logged to the file which might help.
– Brian Fernandes
@BrianFernandes Yes, I know that DevStyle is the submenu that has the theme options (I use it on Fedora). You're right about the log file, I was looking at [workspace]/errors.txt. So should I e-mail the whole file, or just the part with the last session?
– peter_s