
I have an api gateway with custom domain names set up, it works fine if I visit the custom domain name but if I visit the API Gateway domain name (https://xxxxx.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com) directly I just got:


My understanding is that custom domain name here is just like an alias to the original API Gateway domain name and is just a prettier name for it so I should be invoking the api gateway by either of them?enter image description here

what is the stage name, we must suffix the stage name with api gateway endpoint. if stage name is 'qa' then the url we need to try is https://xxxxx.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/qa , when we use custom domain name, it will directly point to a stage that is defined in 'API mappings'Balu Vyamajala

1 Answers


API Gateway REST can be invoked in two different ways.

  • Directly with execute api invoke URL suffixed by stage name.

Example: https://ab11cde222.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev , where ab11cde222 is api id and dev is stage name.

  • Custom Domain: Adding a custom domain with in API Gateway and API mapping pointing to a particular stage and a route53 A record entry for hosted zone.

Since we can point the domain directly to a stage in api mappings, we don't have to suffix stage name when we use direct domain name.

enter image description here

There are many reasons why {"message":"Forbidden"} can occur as listed here, every reason either points to a call of an invalid/non-existent api or missing/invalid keys. Since the direct domain name is working fine, it seems like missing stage name suffix is most probable cause.