
Am trying to Create a SMS bot using help of Twilio, Aws API gateway and AWS lambda.

I ve setup the twilio phone number, AWS API for and lambda. I configured twilio to call my API for every sms i send.

I can see that twilio calling my API Gateway with below details.

URL: https://XXXXXXX.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/latest/

Parameters:: ApiVersion=2010-04-01&SmsSid=SM446302f23feac00bdd980eb94af16431&SmsStatus=received&SmsMessageSid=SM446302f23feac00bdd980eb94af16431&NumSegments=1&From=%2B18563135226&ToState=NJ&MessageSid=SM446302f23feac00bdd980eb94af16431&AccountSid=AC056ba4aedfd58f83ad1f8d1827351d3b&ToZip=08057&FromCountry=US&ToCity=MOORESTOWN&FromCity=MOORESTOWN&To=%2B18569246402&FromZip=08057&Body=Hello&ToCountry=US&FromState=NJ&NumMedia=0

Message Text:: Msg=Bad+Request&sourceComponent=14100&ErrorCode=11200&EmailNotification=false&httpResponse=400&LogLevel=ERROR&url=https%3A%2F%2Fzwnu2wzf07.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com%2Flatest%2F

The API Gateway is not able to process the message.Below is the response from API Gateway.

{"message": "Could not parse request body into json: Unrecognized token \'ToCountry\': was expecting (\'true\', \'false\' or \'null\')\n at [Source: [B@6cbe391e; line: 1, column: 11]"}

Are you trying to parse the incoming request as JSON somewhere? Twilio requests are made as URL encoded form requests.philnash
Thanks for the response. Can you please help me what has to be the response format. Same as Application URL encoded ?kalyan chakravarthy
Can you also provide the CloudWatch log for the request?Ka Hou Ieong
Twilio makes request in the form application/www-x-form-urlencoded. If you are going to make a response to Twilio, then it expects the response to be XML, using TwiML.philnash

3 Answers


Thanks for all the Comments Above. Twilio Sends Request in the format of "application/www-x-form-urlencoded" So we need to have below in the Api Gateway Integration Request.

Integration Request in Api Gateway to send Twilio request to AWS LAmbda

On the Response Side Twilio accepts "application/xml" Below needs to be configured in the Integration Response of Api Gateway. I have just hardcoded my response but we can configure more in the response box

Integration Response in Api Gateway to send back to twilio from lambda


I am a bit late to the party, but I used following mapping template:

{ #foreach( $token in $input.body.split('&') ) #set( $keyVal = $token.split('=') ) #set( $keyValSize = $keyVal.size() ) #if( $keyValSize >= 1 ) #set( $key = $util.urlDecode($keyVal[0]) ) #set($key = $key.substring(0,1).toLowerCase() + $key.substring(1)) #if( $keyValSize >= 2 ) #set( $val = $util.urlDecode($keyVal[1]) ) #else #set( $val = '' ) #end "$key": "$util.escapeJavaScript($val)"#if($foreach.hasNext),#end #end #end }

The request body will be url decoded and submitted as JSON to your Lambda. In case you are using Java you only have to create a POJO to use the actual values.


I just had this problem when going through the Lambda - API Gateway tutorial and using $input.path('$') in the Integration Response as they mention there.

I switched the Integration Response to the following after seeing what was in this tutorial and it worked.

#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$'))