This is a follow-up question of How to implement HTTP request/reply when the response comes from a rabbitMQ reply queue using Spring Integration DSL?.
We were able to build the Spring Integration application and the SCDF stream successfully locally. We could send a http request to the rabbitMQ request queue which was bound to the SCDF stream rabbit source. We could also receive the response back from the rabbitMQ response queue which was bound to the SCDF stream rabbit sink.
We have deployed the SCDF stream into PCF environment which had a binding of an internal rabbitMQ broker. Now we need to specify the spring rabbitMQ connection information in the Spring Integration application properties - currently it's using the default localhost@5762, which is no longer valid. Does anyone know how to get this rabbitMQ configuration properties? We already checked the SCDF stream rabbit source/sink log files but couldn't find the information. I know we probably need to check internally whoever set up the SCDF/rabbitMQ in PCF environment, but so far we haven't heard the answers from them.
Also, it appears we can have a different approach that binds both the SCDF stream and the integration application to a separate rabbitMQ instance (instead of using the existing one bundled with the SCDF configuration). Is it a recommended solution?