
i'm running through a simple and useless toy using PCF on azure, trying to create and run the stream 'time | log'

i successfully get SCDF started, and the stream created, but when i try to deploy the stream, SCDF creates two (cf) apps that won't run - they exist as far as cf-apps is concerned

○ → cf apps
Getting apps in org tess / space tess as admin...

name                              requested state   instances   memory   disk   urls
yascdf-server                     started           1/1         2G       2G     yascdf-server.apps.cf.tess.info
yascdf-server-LE7xs4r-tess-log    stopped           0/1         512M     2G     yascdf-server-LE7xs4r-tess-log.apps.cf.tess.info
yascdf-server-LE7xs4r-tess-time   stopped           0/1         512M     2G     yascdf-server-LE7xs4r-tess-time.apps.cf.tess.info

if i try to view the logs for either, nothing ever returns. but the logs in apps manager look like this:

2017-08-10T10:24:42.147-04:00 [API/0] [OUT] Created app with guid de8fee78-0902-4df7-a7ae-bba8a7710dca
2017-08-10T10:24:43.314-04:00 [API/0] [OUT] Updated app with guid de8fee78-0902-4df7-a7ae-bba8a7710dca ({"route"=>"97e1d26b-d950-479e-b9df-fe1f3b0c8a74", :verb=>"add", :relation=>"routes", :related_guid=>"97e1d26b-d950-479e-b9df-fe1f3b0c8a74"})

the routes don't work:

404 Not Found: Requested route ('yascdf-server-LE7xs4r-tess-log.apps.cf.tess.info') does not exist.

and trying to (re)start the route i get:

○ → cf start yascdf-server-LE7xs4r-tess-log 
Starting app yascdf-server-LE7xs4r-tess-log in org tess / space tess as admin...
Staging app and tracing logs...
The app package is invalid: bits have not been uploaded

here's the SCDF shell stuff i ran, if this helps:

server-unknown:>dataflow config server http://yascdf-server.apps.cf.tess.info/
Successfully targeted http://yascdf-server.apps.cf.cfpush.info/
dataflow:>app import --uri http://.../1-0-4-GA-stream-applications-rabbit-maven
Successfully registered applications: [<chop>]
dataflow:>stream create tess --definition "time | log"
Created new stream 'tess'
dataflow:>stream deploy tess
Deployment request has been sent for stream 'tess'

anyone know what's going on here? i'd be grateful for a nudge...

Spring Cloud Data Flow: Server 1.2.3 (using built spring-cloud-dataflow-server-cloudfoundry-1.2.3.BUILD-SNAPSHOT.jar)

Spring Cloud Data Flow: Shell 1.2.3 (using downloaded spring-cloud-dataflow-shell-1.2.3.RELEASE.jar)

Deployment Environment PCF v1.11.6 (on Azure) pcf dev v0.26.0 (on mac)

App Starters http://bit-dot-ly/1-0-4-GA-stream-applications-rabbit-maven

Logs stream deploy log

If you could update the post with all the relevant details from this wiki page, that'd help with troubleshooting. Also, please attach the server logs of the deployment event.Sabby Anandan
fwiw i get the same behavior in pcf dev, so i'm pretty sure it's something dumb i'm missingWings_Of_Fire Equinox_AJ
The app import command looks a little odd. We provide bit ly links for all the GA releases. If the applications aren't accessible by the server, it will fail to resolve and deploy at runtime. A quick way to verify that is to review the docs for any app. Example: app info source:time - if this fails, you're still not able to resolve the apps.Sabby Anandan
Also, it is not clear what version of the server are you using. If you can attach the logs, we can review what else might be wrong. One other thing - it'd be better that you use the latest GA release of the apps. You're on 1.0.4. The latest is at 1.2.0 (aka: Bacon release-train).Sabby Anandan
the app import was fine, but stack-overflow groused at my using a bit.ly URL, so i used ... - everything importedWings_Of_Fire Equinox_AJ

1 Answers


It has been identified that java-buildpack 4.4 (JBP4) was used by OP and by running SCDF against this version, there is an issue with memory allocation in reactor-netty (used by JBP4 internally), which causes the out-of-memory error. The reactor team is addressing this issue in the upcoming 0.6.5 release. JBP4 will adapt to it eventually.

With all this said, SCDF is still not compatible with JPB4. It is recommended to downgrade to JPB 3.19 or latest in this release line instead.