I am using quantreg
package to predict new data based on training set. However, I noticed a discrepancy between predict.rq
or predict
and doing it manually. Here is an example:
The quantile regression setting is
N = 10000
tauList = seq(1:11/12)/12
y = rchisq(N,2)
X = matrix( rnorm(3*N) ,nrow = N, ncol = 3 )
fit <- rq( y ~ X-1, tau = tauList, method = "fn")
The new data set I want to predict is
newdata <- matrix( rbeta((3*N),2,2) ,nrow = N,ncol=3 )
I use predict.rq
or predict
to predict newdata. Both return the same result:
fit_use_predict <- predict.rq( fit, newdata = as.data.frame(newdata) )
Also I manually do the prediction based on the coefficients matrix:
coef_mat <- coef(fit)
fit_use_multiplication <- newdata %*% coef_mat
I expect both are numerically identical, but they are not:
diff <- fit_use_predict - fit_use_multiplication
Their difference cannot be negligible.
However, predicting the original data set X
, both return the same result, i.e.,
predict(fit, newdata = data.frame(X)) = X %*% coef_mat ## True
Do I miss something when using the function? Thanks!