I'm trying to get the max value from a list of columns and the name of the column with hte max value as described in these post
PySpark: compute row maximum of the subset of columns and add to an exisiting dataframe
how to get the name of column with maximum value in pyspark dataframe
I've reviewed a number of posts and tried a number of options but have not been successful yet.
column object not callable TypeError: 'Column' object is not callable using WithColumn and pass multiple columns Pyspark: Pass multiple columns in UDF
columns in tables that are loaded to dataframe Rule_Total_Score:double, Rule_No_Identifier_Score:double
rules = ['Rule_Total_Score', 'Rule_No_Identifier_Score']
df = spark.sql('select * from table')
def get_max_row_with_None(*cols):
return float(max(x for x in cols if x is not None))
sdf = df.withColumn("max_rule", get_max_row_with_None(f.struct([df[col] for col in df.columns if col in rules])))