
I'm using sparkSql 1.6.2 (Java API) and I have to process the following DataFrame that has a list of value in 2 columns:

ID  AttributeName AttributeValue
 0  [an1,an2,an3] [av1,av2,av3]
 1  [bn1,bn2]     [bv1,bv2]

The desired table is:

ID  AttributeName AttributeValue
 0  an1           av1
 0  an2           av2
 0  an3           av3
 1  bn1           bv1
 1  bn2           bv2

I think I have to use a combination of the explode function and a custom UDF function.

I found the following resources:

and I can successfully run an example that read the two columns and return the concatenation of the first two strings in a column

 UDF2 combineUDF = new UDF2<Seq<String>, Seq<String>, String>() {
        public String call(final Seq<String> col1, final Seq<String> col2) throws Exception {
            return col1.apply(0) + col2.apply(0);

 context.udf().register("combineUDF", combineUDF, DataTypes.StringType);

the problem is to write the signature of a UDF returning two columns (in Java). As far as I understand I must define a new StructType as the one shown below and set that as return type, but so far I didn't manage to have the final code working

StructType retSchema = new StructType(new StructField[]{
            new StructField("@AttName", DataTypes.StringType, true, Metadata.empty()),
            new StructField("@AttValue", DataTypes.StringType, true, Metadata.empty()),

context.udf().register("combineUDF", combineUDF, retSchema);

Any help will be really appreciated.

UPDATE: I'm trying to implement first the zip(AttributeName,AttributeValue) so then I will need just to apply the standard explode function in sparkSql:

ID  AttName_AttValue
 0  [[an1,av1],[an1,av2],[an3,av3]]
 1  [[bn1,bv1],[bn2,bv2]]

I built the following UDF:

UDF2 combineColumns = new UDF2<Seq<String>, Seq<String>, List<List<String>>>() {
        public List<List<String>> call(final Seq<String> col1, final Seq<String> col2) throws Exception {
            List<List<String>> zipped = new LinkedList<>();

            for (int i = 0, listSize = col1.size(); i < listSize; i++) {
                List<String> subRow = Arrays.asList(col1.apply(i), col2.apply(i));

            return zipped;


But when I run the code

myDF.select(callUDF("combineColumns", col("AttributeName"), col("AttributeValue"))).show(10);

I got the following error message:

scala.MatchError: [[an1,av1],[an1,av2],[an3,av3]] (of class java.util.LinkedList)

and it looks like the combining has been performed correctly but then the return type is not the expected one in Scala.

Any Help?


1 Answers


Finally I managed to get the result I was looking for but probably not in the most efficient way.

Basically the are 2 step:

  • Zip of the two list
  • Explode of the list in rows

For the first step I defined the following UDF Function

UDF2 concatItems = new UDF2<Seq<String>, Seq<String>, Seq<String>>() {
    public Seq<String> call(final Seq<String> col1, final Seq<String> col2) throws Exception {
        ArrayList zipped = new ArrayList();

        for (int i = 0, listSize = col1.size(); i < listSize; i++) {
            String subRow = col1.apply(i) + ";" + col2.apply(i);

        return scala.collection.JavaConversions.asScalaBuffer(zipped);


Missing the function registration to SparkSession:


and then I called it with the following code:

DataFrame df2 = df.select(col("ID"), callUDF("concatItems", col("AttributeName"), col("AttributeValue")).alias("AttName_AttValue"));

At this stage the df2 looks like that:

ID  AttName_AttValue
 0  [[an1,av1],[an1,av2],[an3,av3]]
 1  [[bn1,bv1],[bn2,bv2]]

Then I called the following lambda function for exploding the list into rows:

 DataFrame df3 = df2.select(col("ID"),explode(col("AttName_AttValue")).alias("AttName_AttValue_row"));

At this stage the df3 looks like that:

ID  AttName_AttValue
 0  [an1,av1]
 0  [an1,av2]
 0  [an3,av3]
 1  [bn1,bv1]
 1  [bn2,bv2]

Finally to split the attribute name and value into two different columns, I converted the DataFrame into a JavaRDD in order to use the map function:

JavaRDD df3RDD = df3.toJavaRDD().map(
            (Function<Row, Row>) myRow -> {
                String[] info = String.valueOf(myRow.get(1)).split(",");
                return RowFactory.create(myRow.get(0), info[0], info[1]);

If anybody has a better solution feel free to comment. I hope it helps.