I have spring batch app and I want an admin portal to manage failed jobs and see other job related activities. I saw there was some Spring batch Admin portal package in spring, but it has been deprecated in 2017 and I have to use Spring cloud data flow as mentioned here. I want to know for Spring cloud data flow, is this some dependency we need to add to project as an artifact or is this some separate standalone service that needs to be set up?
My batch has dozen of cron jobs, can I just give my jar to Cloud Data Flow and it will take care of rest or Do I need to configure each and every job there? Any sample for the same are appreciated, as I want to know how big will be an effort to set up all this.
On the side note : My app is a combination of some REST controllers and some batch jobs.So does it make sense to use cloud data flow? If not, then is there better console manager for batch jobs(like restart ,cancel jobs portal) etc.?