
I'm new to WebFlux/Reactor and having trouble wrapping my head around how to write this piece of code. Basically, I have a Flux which has a nested List foo and a Mono<Set> bar and I'd like to only return items in foo that are contained in bar.

// these two lines are representations of what the data looks like
Flux<CategoryModel> foo = { Permissions = [ "UserRole1"] } // List<String>
Mono<Set<String>> bar = [ "UserRole1", "UserRole2" ]; 

var filteredFoo = foo.filter(m -> m.getPermissions().stream().anyMatch(perm -> bar.block().contains(foo)));

The problem with the above block of code is the .block() on the contains() and I don't want to block. Not sure how to change this to have non blocking but still check if bar contains the perm item.


2 Answers


To answer the question directly - don't use filter(), use filterWhen(), which filters based on a publisher rather than a set value:

foo.filterWhen(m -> bar.map(set -> m.getPermissions().stream().anyMatch(perm -> set.contains(foo))));

Note that your code as-written is a bit odd however and I've just translated it directly - but it doesn't make much sense at the moment for a couple of reasons:

  • You're streaming over the permissions but not actually using the permission in your anyMatch() lambda at present - so currently your code could be simplified to:

    foo.filterWhen(m -> bar.map(set -> set.contains(foo)));
  • Even given the above, you're checking if your set contains foo, which is the flux itself, so there's no reasonable situation in which that would ever be true.


You need to know the final content of your mono so that you can filter your flux, so just wait for it:

var filteredFoo = bar.flatMapMany(b -> foo.filter(f -> f.getPermissions().stream().anyMatch(b::contains)));