I am trying to do a nested calls to database, using spring webflux/reactor, to return a Mono of nested objects (a User with his Roles).
The scenario is as following:
- retrieve a user row having a username from database;
- map the user row to User POJO;
- retrieve roles of the user by user id;
- map roles to List of Roles;
- set the mapped roles to User POJO;
- return a Mono of User.
The scenario above have to be done without blocking (I know that the mapping is a so little blocking :) ).
public Mono<User> retrieveByUsername(String username) {
return databaseClient.execute(usersQueries.getProperty("users.select.by.username"))
.bind("username", username.toLowerCase())
.map((row, meta) -> UserRowMapper.mapRow(row, meta))
// here goes nested database query to retrieve roles and set them to retrieved user
// and return Mono<User>
Thank you in advance for your help.