
I’m rewriting static menu to dynamic, since our customer wants to dynamically change the menu on the fly. Before that I had standard <p:menu> <p:menuItem> </p:menu> structure in my xhtml.

But now I have changed it to: <p:menu model="#{pageTemplateView.menuModel}"/>

And I’m creating model in my backing bean like this:

DefaultMenuItem menuItem = new DefaultMenuItem();

But the problem is I don’t know how to add <pe:badge> component inside menu item from bean.

Before that I included badges to menus the following way:

<p:menuitem id="tasks_icon_menuitem_id" icon="fa fa-tasks" url="#">
  <pe:badge content="#{badgeCountBean.badgeCount()}"/>

So how do I add <pe:badge> to dynamically created menu in bean?

I'm using PrimeFaces 8

You could try using the for attribute. Note that the badge is deprecated in PFE 10.Jasper de Vries
I am not sure we tested it for MenuItems either?Melloware
Hey I have tryed using for but it doesn't seem to work.Kiki
@Melloware no, it was initially only working for buttons, but I removed that constraint to be able to use it on avatars.Jasper de Vries

1 Answers


After few hours of testing and plying around I found the issue that prevents me from adding badge to default menu item. The issue is when you try to add child to DefaultManuItem like this:

Badge badge = new Badge();
DefaultMenuItem defaultMenuItem = new DefaultMenuItem();

You get unsupported operation exception since DefaultMenuItem:: getChildren() is implemented like this:

public List<UIComponent> getChildren() {
    return Collections.emptyList();

But I have found an ugly workaround for this issue. So I might share it and maybe well get to better solution eventuality. In my xhtml I added empty menu and gave it fixed ID like this:

<p:menu id="dynamic_menu_placeholder"/>

<!-- need to add dummy badge to xhtml otherwise it wont be displayed -->

And then in my bean I got the component by ID and added UIMenuItem elements to it like this:

// get component by ID
UIComponent component = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot().findComponent(":form:dynamic_menu_placeholder");
Menu menu = (Menu) component;

for (MenuItem item : menuItemList) {

    // creating menu item
    UIMenuItem menuItem = new UIMenuItem();
    menuItem.setId(... generated some id);
    // creating badge
    Badge badge = new Badge();
    // adding badge to menu item

// addin menu item to menu