I have two question as below;
I have a Menu and submenus in left side of my page and a Tabview on center of my page. when click to menuItem, I add tab to tabview with javascript dynamically
but I can't get tabs of tabview from backing bean. I can read only first tabs before I added with javascript.
so I want to match tabview at server side and client side synchronously.
how can i do this ?
and second; When I closed to tab, I use TabCloseEvent in onTabClose method but event is always null. May be it will be solved with matching tabview with server and client side i don't know.
codes are as below.
Please advise me.
xhtml code :
<p:menuitem value="#{itemMenu.menuAck}"
oncomplete="handleTabViewEvent(args);" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function handleTabViewEvent(args) {
alert('Add tab here..');
bean code :
public void OpenPage(String pageName) {
String s = "Divert to handleTabViewEvent function";
public void onTabClose(TabCloseEvent event) {
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
TabView tw = (TabView)context.getViewRoot().findComponent("centerForm:tw");
String s = "I must delete tab here from tw which closed.
But event does not give me tab information. It is always null. And tw has old values";
it with ajax to the server (use it on the server to generate a new tab) and update the tab container – Daniel