I'm using Laravel Passport to issue Bearers to the user once it's logged in and then be able to connect to the API (yes I know Sanctum might fit better my needs but I'm using Passport so don't even mention to switch to Sanctum), then on the Front-end, I store the user email and the Bearer in a cookie to use them later on for other queries and add the bearer to Axios Auth header though now I have a problem with my logic, maybe related to the fact that I don't know how to use Passport correctly in Nuxt.
I have queries for each page where I send the user email in a post request and they return back a mix of global info and user info.
Yes, my endpoints are already behind an auth middleware but I just send a Bearer Token to allow the endpoint to be queried with any data, there is no prevention to ask for User B info from User A.
How can I use prevent the user to send a different email and get another user's info?
This is how I issue an access token:
$token = $user->createToken('Laravel Password Grant Client')->accessToken;
there is a way to do something like this?
$user = User::where('email', $request->email)->first();
// E.g. user@mail.com ...
// Get the user Access Token
$userToken = $user->getAccessToken;
// E.g. someBerareText
// check if the User Access Token match with the one send in the request
// if they don't match throw a 401
if ($userToken !== $request->header('Authorization')) {
return response()->json([ "error" => "Not Authorized" ], 401);
// E.g. $request->header('Authorization') it's SomeOtherBearer because he
// requested info for user@mail.com but the $request->header('Authorization')
// belong to otheruser@othermail.com
The user can still send the same request but with User B's email and see other info that doesn't belong to him, so how can I check if the email in the $request
belongs to the user that's actually logged in?
some way to decode the access token and check if it really belongs to the user or not?