However the answer is quite late, i got some errors extracting the JTI header
in Laravel 6.x because the JTI is no longer in the header, but only in the payload/claim. (Using client grants)
local.ERROR: Requested header is not configured {"exception":"[object] (OutOfBoundsException(code: 0): Requested header is not configured at /..somewhere/vendor/lcobucci/jwt/src/Token.php:112)
Also, adding it in a middleware was not an option for me. As i needed it on several places in my app.
So i extended the original Laravel Passport Client (oauth_clients) model.
And check the header as well as the payload. Allowing to pass a request, or use
the request facade, if no request was passed.
namespace App\Models;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Request as RequestFacade;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Laravel\Passport\Client;
use Laravel\Passport\Token;
use Lcobucci\JWT\Parser;
class OAuthClient extends Client
public static function findByRequest(?Request $request = null) : ?OAuthClient
$bearerToken = $request !== null ? $request->bearerToken() : RequestFacade::bearerToken();
$parsedJwt = (new Parser())->parse($bearerToken);
if ($parsedJwt->hasHeader('jti')) {
$tokenId = $parsedJwt->getHeader('jti');
} elseif ($parsedJwt->hasClaim('jti')) {
$tokenId = $parsedJwt->getClaim('jti');
} else {
Log::error('Invalid JWT token, Unable to find JTI header');
return null;
$clientId = Token::find($tokenId)->client->id;
return (new static)->findOrFail($clientId);
Now you can use it anywhere inside your laravel app like this:
If you have $request object available, (for example from a controller)
$client = OAuthClient::findByRequest($request);
Or even if the request is not available somehow, you can use it without, like this:
$client = OAuthClient::findByRequest();
Hopefully this useful for anyone, facing this issue today.
sufficient in your case? – thijsaiAuth::user()
will return null, right? @thijsai – Walid Ammar