
I want to paginate response Data in Spring boot project. According to business logic, I added multiple RequestParam. All is ok, if I pass value for all request Param i.e Gender and Country. But if I don't give value either one or both, I get 500 status code, although I make gender and Country requestParam as optional. It means,

if I hit


I get response with pagination.

But if I hit




I get exception

Here is my code.


interface UserRepository: JpaRepository<User, Long> {

        nativeQuery = true,
        value = "SELECT * FROM user_info WHERE gender =:gender AND country =:country"
    fun getUsers(gender: String?, country: String?, pageable: Pageable): Page<User>



class UserServiceImpl(
    @Autowired private val userRepository: UserRepository
): UserService {

    override fun getUsers(gender: String?, country: String?, pageable: Pageable): Page<User> {
        return userRepository.getUsers(gender, country, pageable)



    path = [
class UserController(
    @Autowired private val userService: UserService
) {

    fun getUsers(
        @RequestParam(required = true) page: Int,
        @RequestParam(required = false) gender: String?,
        @RequestParam(required = false) country: String?
    ): Page<User> {
        return userService.getUsers(gender, country, PageRequest.of(page, 10))



    "status": "500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR",
    "message": "Internal server error occurs",
    "error": "could not extract ResultSet; SQL [n/a]; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not extract ResultSet"
Add default value to country and gender field. It will fix the issue.GnanaJeyam
For dynamic queries with varying parameters use predicates instead of a method to execute the query.M. Deinum

3 Answers


It is better to use jdbcTemplate here like this:

String query = "SELECT * FROM user_info WHERE gender = :gender AND country = :country";
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("gender", gender);
params.put("country", country);
Map<String, Long> results = new HashMap<>();
// Execute Your Query Here like: users = jdbcTemplate.query(query, params, ...

for thos params you can check if for example gender not null append gender = :gender to main query.


yes the error you're getting is correct because the values for your query doesn't exist i would suggest you make the following changes ...

interface UserRepository: JpaRepository<User, Long> {

    nativeQuery = true,
    value = "SELECT * FROM user_info WHERE country =:country"
fun getUsersWithoutGender( country: String?, pageable: Pageable): Page<User>

    nativeQuery = true,
    value = "SELECT * FROM user_info WHERE gender =:gender AND country =:country"
fun getUsersWithoutCountry(gender: String?, pageable: Pageable): Page<User>

    nativeQuery = true,
    value = "SELECT * FROM user_info WHERE gender =:gender AND country =:country"
fun getUsers(gender: String?, country: String?, pageable: Pageable): Page<User>

    nativeQuery = true,
    value = "SELECT * FROM user_info"
fun getallUsers(): Page<User>


and in your controller

path = [
class UserController(
@Autowired private val userService: UserService
) {

fun getUsers(
    @RequestParam(required = true) page: Int,
    @RequestParam(required = false) gender: String?,
    @RequestParam(required = false) country: String?
): Page<User> {

if(country == null && gender =! null){
    return userService.getUsersWithoutCountry(gender,PageRequest.of(page, 10))
} else if (gender== null && country =! null){
    return userService.getUsersWithoutGender(country,PageRequest.of(page, 10))
}else if (gender && country == null){
    return userService.getAllUsers()
}else {
    return userService.getUsers(gender, country, PageRequest.of(page, 10))    


this way all your queries will run as they don't have a null value.


Finally, I solved the problem by JpaSpecificationExecutor which helps to create dynamic query. The code is given bellow.


import com.example.demo.entity.User
import org.springframework.data.jpa.domain.Specification
import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery
import javax.persistence.criteria.Root
import java.text.MessageFormat.format

object UserSpecification {

    fun countryContains(country: String?): Specification<User>? {
        return country?.let {
            Specification { root: Root<User>, _: CriteriaQuery<*>, criteriaBuilder: CriteriaBuilder ->
                criteriaBuilder.like(root.get("country"), format("%{0}%", country))

    fun genderContains(gender: String?): Specification<User>? {
        return gender?.let {
            Specification { root: Root<User>, _: CriteriaQuery<*>, criteriaBuilder: CriteriaBuilder ->
                criteriaBuilder.equal(root.get<String>("gender"), gender)



interface UserRepository: JpaRepository<User, Long>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<User> {



class UserServiceImpl(
    @Autowired private val userRepository: UserRepository
): UserService {

    override fun getUsers(gender: String?, country: String?, pageable: Pageable): Page<User> {
        return userRepository.findAll(
            ), pageable