I want to execute query for filter list with spring boot 1.5, I have param required (username) and optional param (email), How I can assign optional for param in query ? @Query("SELECT u FROM User u WHERE u.username LIKE :username AND u.email=:email") public Page getUsers(@Param("username") String username, @Param("email") String email); http://localhost:8080/users?username=&email=test : work fine http://localhost:8080/users?username= : Exception
Create two methods, and call one or the other depending on the presence of the email.
– JB Nizet
I really have many params for filter but for this question I simply for two params, How I can execute query with required and optional param ?
– Taki Rahal
Use the JPA criteria API to dynamically create the query, or QueryDSL.
– JB Nizet
1 Answers
Use JPA criteria API like this:
First, create a Specification
private Specification<Item> createSpecification(ItemSearch itemSearch) {
return (root, query, criteriaBuilder) -> criteriaBuilder.and(
itemSearch.getUsername() == null ? null : criteriaBuilder.like(root.get("username"), itemSearch.getUsername()),
itemSearch.getEmail() == null ? null : criteriaBuilder.equal(root.get("email"), itemSearch.getEmail())
Extend your repository from JpaSpecificationExecutor
public interface ItemRepository extends CrudRepository<Item, Long>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<Item> {
Select all items using the specification:
List<Item> items = itemRepository.findAll(createSpecification(itemSearch))