
I'm struggling currently to register a few Enterprise Applications within an Azure AD tenant. Upon further investigation it seems the common theme is that they all require access into the "Office 365 Management APIs".

From what I understand that API is available to all AzureAD tenants upon creation. I can certainly see that API in all my other tenants that I have access to.

For reason unknown to me it simply isn't present in one specific tenant I'm attempting to work with.

The ApplicationID is : 19d8051e-de0f-4f13-89bf-c90814bcc0f4

On another tenant where the API exists (and I can register the Applications) I can search and find the API.

My question I guess is, is there a way to get the APIs available to the problem tenant?

Thank you!

Edit : updated screenshots: Result from trying to consent access to Office 365 Management APIs

Edit2 : When running Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -SearchString "office 365 management APIs" | Format-Table serviceprincipalnames it returns NULL on the tenant, this returns results on a working tenant.


1 Answers


In theory, every tenant should have this api. Is your application registered in this tenant?

Go to Azure AD>App registrations>New registration to register your application (the application will also be displayed in the enterprise application). Then select the application you registered>API permissions>Add a permission and you will be able to see Office 365 Management APIs.

enter image description here