I have Office 365 Developer account & tenant in windows azure to manage office 365 users. using consent framework "prompt=admin_consent", i granted access rights to one of my web application already registered in Azure AD (which is managed by me) to use office 365 API services, After granting access using admin consent, all my Azure AD users are able to authenticate themselves against Azure AD. I am able to see the applications that i granted access using http://myapps.microsoft.com but i am not able to revoke access granted for applications using this URL. How can i revoke the access granted to my or third party application from my organization's azure AD?
4 Answers
After logging into your Microsoft user account, navigate to https://account.live.com/consent/Manage. This will display all the apps you've authorised to access resources on your behalf. Here select the application you want to revoke access for.
This will show you which permissions you've previously granted to the selected app and when you used them last. As you can see in the screenshot below I had granted openid
, Calendars.Read
and Mail.Send
Once here all you have to do is click the button at the bottom labelled "Remove these permissions" and that should be it.
if you have an admin rights go straight to: https://portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_AAD_IAM/StartboardApplicationsMenuBlade/AllApps/menuId/ and remove it there
If you have an organisation account with Microsoft you should be able to access this page: https://portal.office.com/account
From there click either App permissions
on the left, or Change app permission
in the middle.
This will take you to a screen that looks like this:
Where you can revoke which app permissions you don't want anymore.