
I've created an Watson Assistant and pasted the OpenWhisk Action Endpoint URL to my Alexa Skill as described in this GitHub Repo.

Everything worked fine so far. I was able to send questions to my Chatbot by talking to the Alexa Simulator and received the expected answer which was read out by Alexa. But if I launch my Alexa skill now I get the response "I am unable to reach the requested skill". The Endpoint URL is correct as well as the SSL Certificate Type Configuration in the Alexa Simulator. I did not change anything but suddenly it does not work but used to work fine before. Any ideas?

I tried to send the Launch Request as Manual JSON from the Alexa Simulator and received "Cannot establish SSL connection to your skill endpoint" as output JSON. Furthermore I found the following from the Alexa Simulator logs: "The SSL handshake to endpoint Resource [https://eugb.functions.appdomain.cloud/api/v1/web/hhzStud_AIA_projekt/default/watson-alexa-hhz-skill.json], Type [HTTP], Region [DEFAULT] failed. Please check that your java keystore is correctly configured"

I checked my acttion using the following command ibmcloud fn activation list and got an application error (IBM Docs Link)

Why can't Alexa reach my Endpoint? It used to work before without any problems.



1 Answers


It appears to be an issue between Alexa and the endpoint deployed on IBM Cloud. Make sure to use https://eu-gb.functions.appdomain.cloud and not https://eugb.functions.appdomain.cloud as listed in the description.

I can access https://eu-gb.functions.appdomain.cloud/api/v1/web/hhzStud_AIA_projekt/default/watson-alexa-hhz-skill.json and it uses a Let's Encrypt certificate with below details: enter image description here

A similar issue was reported in https://forums.developer.amazon.com/questions/106526/getting-ssl-handshake-failed-error.html and a response pointed towards this list of requirements for your web service https://developer.amazon.com/en-US/docs/alexa/custom-skills/host-a-custom-skill-as-a-web-service.html#requirements-for-your-web-service.

Maybe it helps as a starting point to verify what is missing.