
Currently, I am developing a DB2 database-driven IBM Watson Assistant chatbot in Facebook page, integrated with IBM Cloud Functions. I have established the connection and able to send and receive messages on Facebook.

Now, I am trying to send Generic templates referencing to Facebook developer doc and implement a carousel of cards in facebook with images, titles and buttons.

Things I tried: According to IBM documentation, I tried message.attachment.payload (specified in facebook developer doc) inside output.facebook in Watson JSON editor.

"output": {
"generic": [{
    "values": [{
        "text": "ok"
    "response_type": "text",
    "selection_policy": "sequential"
"facebook": {
    "text": "Hi,\n\nWe have a great giveaway for you, but first we’d like for you to follow us so that you can stay updated on the latest news and trends.\n\nPlease take a moment to follow us and let me know when you've followed us by typing DONE:\n\n",
    "buttons": [{
        "url": "https://www.facebook.com/ibmcommerce/",
        "type": "web_url",
        "title": "Follow IBM Commerce",
        "messenger_extensions": "false",
        "webview_height_ratio": "full"
    "template_type": "generic"

Also, I tried implementing the solution provided in IBM Watson developer forum

  "output": {
"facebook": {
  "message": {
    "attachment": {
      "type": "template",
      "payload": {
        "text": "Hi,\n\nWe have a great giveaway for you, but first we’d like for you to follow us so that you can stay updated on the latest news and trends.\n\nPlease take a moment to follow us and let me know when you've followed us by typing DONE:\n\n",
        "buttons": [
            "url": "https://www.facebook.com/ibmcommerce/",
            "type": "web_url",
            "title": "Follow IBM Commerce",
            "messenger_extensions": "false",
            "webview_height_ratio": "full"
        "template_type": "button"

Neither of the solutions works for me. Kindly help me in figuring out what I am missing.

Any help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance!


1 Answers

  1. update your webhook to an April version (2020-04-01)
  2. instead of output.facebook use output.integrations.facebook