I got this error report error: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small on Oracle Apex v 20.2 When trying to parse data from .xlsx file to a report window when I increased the number of columns more than 85 columns , and my excel file got more than 300 columns still !
here is my query:
select line_number, col001, col002, col003, col004, col005,
col006, col007, col008, col009, col010,
-- more columns (col011 to col300) can be selected here.
from apex_application_temp_files f,
table( apex_data_parser.parse(
p_content => f.blob_content,
p_add_headers_row => 'Y',
p_xlsx_sheet_name => :PX_XLSX_WORKSHEET,
p_store_profile_to_collection => 'FILE_PARSER_COLLECTION',
p_file_name => f.filename ) ) p
where f.name = :PX_FILE
But If I select only 85 columns or less it works fine.
Any help !