
I am using Oracle Apex 18, I created a Classic Report to display data from a view which has about 150 columns. If I reduce qty of columns it works but if I leave all columns it errors.

report error: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small

I guess the question is: How to increase buffer to run this report?

Sample:enter image description here

There is still a hard limit of 32767 bytes for a row in a Classic Report. But showing that many columns doesn't seem very useful. How is the report being used?Dan McGhan
the report was in Excel and I am automating the process, I created a Pivot View and I am using the result to display on Apex, it is a fix report, fixed column, only rows increases everyday.W london
You may need to put a "config" screen in the mix. The report could default to the most popular columns but allow users to add or remove columns using the config screen. Would that work?Dan McGhan
Just trying to get a better understanding... Why can't you remove or hide, add or define columns?Dan McGhan
I just spoke with a member of the APEX team who suggested you try using a read-only Interactive Grid instead of an Interactive Report. Could you please try that and let me know how it works out?Dan McGhan

1 Answers


Classic Reports still have a hard limit of 32767 bytes for a row. Interactive Grids, however, do not. Create a read-only Interactive Grid instead of a Classic Report as a workaround for this issue.